Sunday, September 4, 2011

I Do Like A Bargain!

My father used to say (maybe he still does) that "a bargain is only a bargain if you needed it in the first place".  Well I did need this!  I'd been looking for a candlestick for my dining table for ages, but my dining table is round and most of the candlesticks I'd seen were either rectangluar or very expensive, so when I spotted this I knew I had to have it.


It was £12.50 in one of the barns at Risby Barns Antiques Centre near Bury St Edmunds.  I spent a morning outside clearning it up with kitchen grease cleaner, a brio pad and a heat gun to melt the years of wax.  I mixed up some paint from old Farrow and Ball matchpots and leftover satinwood paint from the radiators, added some gold wax and crystals and voila, here it is now:


Now I just need some nice white candles to go in it, if anyone knows where I can get some (as opposed to cream) I'd be really grateful to know.

Also on the subject of bargains, Sudbury Garden Centre were selling packets of seeds for 50p each yesterday, how could I resist?!  I bought these18 packets, mainly veg for next year and sweetpeas, for just £9 as opposed to over £46 if I'd bought them full price.

Now all I have to do is not lose them before next year!


  1. If I'd seen those seed packets I probably would have broken my 'no more seeds this year' vow!

    You've made a very good job of smartening up the candlestick - I'll keep an eye open for white candles for you.


  2. Prices do a bog standard white candle and they can be got from your local supermarket or iron-monger. If you want a posher version at more expense, try these:

    The candlestick looks so much nicer now that you've re-done it.

  3. The candelabra looks lovely - oh, how my glass of red will shimmer in the candlelight!

  4. love the candlestick- I've been banned from using one ever since I set fire to the table (a loooooooooooong story best not told!)

    Thankyou for your sweet comment...Kit also has a Tortie Seam along her underside where the colour begins and ends.
    Luckily she'd not ticklish so she gets lots of tummyrubs!

    Have a good week

  5. What a genius idea, using a heat gun to clean off the old wax! Looks great!

  6. Wow, your candlestick looks brilliant, you've done such a good job with it. It makes a super centrepiece. I grabbed some seed bargains at the weekend too, 50p per packet.

  7. Fantastic, after looks really great!

  8. Wow love it you have done a lovely job! great idea on melting the wax. Try tesco near the the matches as opposed to the home section. or homebase do nice white candles nr christmas.


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