Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Autumn Jewels

When I was teaching we used to sing a song in assembly that started "Autumn days when the grass is jewelled", and my garden is definitely jewelled at the moment.

My beautiful snake-bark maple tree's leaves are turning glorious colours,

they lie in piles covering the paths and beds,

and sometimes rest for a while on other shrubs,

a tiny respite in their final journey.


  1. I love this time of year, we've a glorious display in Suffolk this Autumn - aren't we lucky!

    And we had a little sunshine and blue sky today to show the colours at their best! I'm envious of your Snake-bark Maple, a stunning tree all through the year.


  2. Just come over from Silverpebble - I love the colours in your photos!

    Pomona x

  3. I've just arrived from Silver Pebble too, gorgeous colours against the blue sky!

  4. I like that phrase from the song Su - most apt for this time of year. I think that I could forgive that maple for shedding its leaves on the lawn - I am raking up the not quite as pretty willow :)

  5. The colours on those leaves are wonderful, I love this time of the year too.

  6. The colours here in North Bucks have been lovely too. We had sun all day again today, I hope it continues.

  7. What beautiful leaves. I don't think I've heard of snake-bark maple (although we have plenty of other kinds here in Wisconsin where I live). Thanks for sharing the last flames of the year's colour.

  8. Oh Im living the autumn colours at the moment, we took Charlotte for a walk to the nearby park today and the colours were so pretty, its funny I dont wear or work with these colour very often but I do love to see them in nature.

  9. Lovely photos Su...must admit the colours of Autumn are exquisite, but I hate the dark, wet days it can bring!

  10. There's some gorgeous autumnal colour around at the moment, it seems to be hanging on a little longer than usual this year.

  11. We have been enjoying a glorious display of colour - all the better for viewing against a blue sky. Lovely images Su.



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