Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Still Hanging On

In amongst the seed heads of autumn

Hydrangea Annabelle


and the turning autumn leaves

Euphorbia Fireglow

I found these flowers today who haven't realised that summer is over:

Cosmos Purity

Verbena Bonariensis

Rosa Christopher Marlow

Fushia Hawkshead

Some I'm not really surprised at, but a delphinium?  In November?  That's odd isn't it?

Delphinium - can't remember the name!

I wonder what flowers you have flowering at the moment?


  1. gosh that Fuschia is beautiful......i have a rose that is still flowering since May it never flowers this late but it is still a joy ...x

  2. Now a delphinium flowering in November seems rather remiss behaviour Su but still much appreciated no doubt. Like you I have verbena bonariensis and hardy fuchsias still lingering and today I was cheered to see the first sprigs of blossom on my autumn flowering cherry. I do like the foliage of your euphorbia.

  3. Your garden must still be a picture. I've got verbena flowering and last week even an oriental poppy I thought that was strange! When I was out walking this afternoon I spotted a hedge of beautiful red roses! Is it really November?

  4. It is rather bonkers the flowers that are still going in November - here it is passion flower - which is going completely mad and covered with buds and flowers!

    Love your fuchsia Hawkshead - they are so dainty

  5. That rose is a lovely colour - Suffolk Pink.

    A slight frost this morning... so perhaps the end of the unseasonal flowers.


  6. Just discovered your blog and love it so I'm about to become a follower. Your lost office chair reminds me of my sisters chair, exactly same sort of cat, colouring and all and same position on chair. Usually sissy sits on hard chair at side not to disturb puss!! I'm loving your textile work, a clear talent emerging here.

  7. Thanks so much for your message on my last post - I thought mine were the only cats to steal hair elastics but clearly not. They keep losing ping pong balls too under the cupboards - I've bought 14 since I had them and can only find 2! You've certainly got a lot of flowers left this year - I have a solitary marigold looking a bit lost and two rather confused roses - I'm enjoying watching the birds eat some of the seeds around- I'm not a very tidy gardener so there are plenty of seed heads left. Leo and Monty send love and purrs back to you xx

  8. I love the Leucanthemum, I can just see that in embroidery.
    Thanks for the comment, why are we just so silly with these cats, our's get away with murder.



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