Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Little Bit of Brightness

On my way to turn off the greenhouse heater this morning, I spotted this little beauty in flower.

It's a self sown hellebore seedling that appeared last year but this is the first time it's flowered.

I suspect it's a hybrid and isn't a pure variety but it's a lovely mix of dark pink and lime green,

just perfect to brighten up the dullness of a grey December morning.


  1. Such pretty colours, I just wish that they held their heads up instead of always inspecting the earth for worms.

  2. I absolutely love hellebores and leave mine to self seed as much as I can - mine are all way behind yours and I can only see a few buds coming at ground level but I shall remain hopeful for the spring! xx

  3. How very special to have a flower in your garden at this time of the year! It looks lovely!

  4. Hellebores are such lovely flowers, no wonder it brightened up a dull day.

  5. What a pretty festive gift Su - must have brightened up that trek in the gloom :)

  6. How absolutely lovely!

    Merry Christmas to you, too ;)

  7. what a wonderful surprise!gorgeous colours, lucky you!

  8. Your pics and colors are beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more on your blog. Have a great week ahead...Heidi


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