Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Holes, holes, holes.

One of the things that I love about textiles is holes and what is revealed underneath them.  A combination of being inspired by the cover technique of this book

Image courtesy of Amazon
and then watching the BBC production of Great Expectations over Christmas and being fascinated by the wonderful Miss Havisham

Image courtesy of  The Telegraph

made me want to have a play and see what I could create.

I'm not sure if it's finished or what I'll do with it, but I do quite like the holes and the fragility of it (although it's ended up pinker than I was expecting) and it does resemble a piece of old fabric from a worn out dress.

Fragile Lace (18cm x 15cm)

The top layer is Crash fabric which I stencilled onto using soft molding paste before blasting it to distress it and make the holes.

The base layer is silk scrim and silk carrier rod strippings and it's held together with beads and french knots.
Detail from above

I'm not sure what this fascination with holes says about me, or where this technique might go, but I think it's something I will return to.


  1. I love this piece, what are you going to do with it? That's the question I always get asked when I make my crazy patchwork blocks and the answer for me is, nothing, just love making them.....

  2. Su this is a beautiful piece! the book looks good too! I didnt realise that great expectations was on TV, I watch TV so little these days but would love to have seen this. I read this book in 4th year at high school and loved it.

  3. I love your textile piece and share your fascination with exploring multi layered fabrics with beads and embroidery. This does look like a piece of old lace-just like the wedding dress in Great Expectations. Wasn't Gillian Anderson fantastic as Miss Haversham?

  4. So beautiful and delicate. I couldn't watch the TV programme, as I "did" Great Expectations for O level!

  5. What an exciting project though I'm afraid that a lot of the words you used went straight over my head, did you hear the whoosh? I don't know what Crash is, or soft moulding paste and with what did you blast it? What are silk scrim and silk carrier rod strippings? The only things I understood were beads and french knots. The only scrim I know of is a rough, heavy fabric. The finished piece is undeniably beautiful.

    1. Thankyou all for your comments - sorry about any whooshes! I'll try and unwhoosh!

      Crash is something new to me, a man made fabric that's very thin and crumpled and it melts/distorts when blasted with a heat gun (like a hairdryer but more powerful).

      Molding paste is a paste that resembles very think paint. It keeps its shape if you put it through a stencil.

      Silk scrim is a soft silk fabric, with a very open weave, bit like muslin but more open.

      Silk carrier rods are weird things, a by product of the silk industry I think and I bought them ready dyed - they look like this

      su :-)

  6. What a beautiful piece of work Su... right up my street. Never come across "Crash" fabric before though.

  7. What an interesting technique Su. Your piece is beautiful, I especially love the beading.

    Gillian Anderson's portrayal of a ghostly and vulnerable Miss Havisham was a revelation. Dickens would have approved I think.

    It's good to be back!


  8. That's beautiful. Holes in a fabric give it a subtlety and texture, because what is BEHIND the fabric is also important, and might be constantly changing.

  9. Just to let you know that I am passing the 'Versatile Blogger' Award on to you it is for a recently found blog that you enjoy reading. Pop over to my blog at for more details if you are interested. Congratulations.

  10. Hi,just a quick note to let you know I have nominated your blog for the versatile blogger award, for full details check out my blog! Suzy x

  11. Missed the program, but your piece is spectacular! I love holes, decay, delicacy. Perhaps this is how we are inside? made up of many layers with glimpses of goodness!


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