I was determined to get into the garden over the weekend and I actually managed to find quite a bit of colour there.
Primroses, rhubarb shoots, a cheery pansy, cornus elegantissima, self seeded hellebore, winter flowering honeysuckle (has to smelt to be really appreciated!), self seeded hellebore bud, snowdrop buds (so nearly there) and sedum buds.
The snowdrops (lovely double ones) appeared last year after I'd removed some paving slabs from that area - goodness knows how long they'd been buried. The honeysuckle was in flower when I moved in, which is nearly 3 years ago, gosh how time flies!
There are plenty more blogs with splashes of colour, a list can be found on
Silverpebble's blog and on the
flickr group page.
Soon be spring - so much to look forward to.