Past one of the three silk mills we have here (I didn't go in the shop this time, I'm waiting for the after Christmas sale!) and through the park.

The totum pole is one of several in the town that were carved for the Millennium.
Then I arrived in the market hill where Thomas Gainsborough watches over proceedings from on high!

It was nice to see some mucky fen celery for sale, complete with root (we used to fight over who got to eat the root as children).
After I'd bought the few bits I needed I headed home but not along the road this time, instead I walked down this path to the river
where a swan was doing some preening and stretching!
The low winter sun and the still water made beautiful reflections.
After crossing the railway line I was nearly home.
Back through the churchyard with its ivy covered gravestones and this funny little partially buried grave cross - I wonder whose grave it was marking.

Then through the kissing gate to home.
I hope you enjoyed the walk, next time I think I need to wear wellies as I did end up rather muddy!