Sunday, July 26, 2015

Treasures From the Loft

Yesterday I was at Mum and Dad's in north Norfolk to help them start sorting out the loft.  It'd got into quite a state as Mum hadn't been able to get up and down the ladder to it but now that she's the owner of a new hip she wanted to start tackling it.

We did quite well, with a bag of stuff going to the tip and 3 bags ready to go to the charity shop, oh and I came home with a car boot looking like this!

Amongst cushions, bedding, and old jars I also brought home some boxes of treasure:

playing cards with this delightful lady her elegant cigarette holder,

old christmas decorations, mainly old glass baubles but also the Father Christmas model and paper fairy that, as a child, I used to get so excited about when they reappeared from the box,

a clay chess piece (about 10 inches high) that I made during my PGCE,

and all these other ornaments, some of which I remember and some of which I don't.

And loads of old photos, including this one of my mum as a bridesmaid that I don't ever recall seeing before - shame she doesn't have the dress and jacket anymore as they look amazing!

When I eventually got home I also found treasure in the greenhouse

the first of the tomatoes :-)

I am sure there are more treasures waiting for me in the loft - I'll be back there in a fortnight to continue the mission!


Celia Hart said...

Those Christmas baubles are lovely! Keep them away from your cats.

We have drawers and bags full of 'treasure' from Aunt J's and MiL's. Some of if will have to go. I'm considering sending some to the auction.

Janneke said...

So exciting to find some treasures with sweet memories of past times.
Last year my parents went to an elderly home and I had to sort out their whole house. Among the rubbish I found so many forgotten treasures, especially in the attick.
First tomatoes are always the best, here they start ripening too.
Wish you a good new week!

elaine said...

What a great loft your folks have - I love ferreting round in other people's rubbish and laughed at how much you brought home with you - now you've got to find somewhere to put it. p.s. I loved your hall and stairs transformation.

Frances said...

Su, how wonderful for you and your Mom to be able to go through the loft together, and revisit lots of memories. Glad that her brand new hip is making such times possible.

The photograph of her in that printed dress and jacket is a treasure. Just like those glowing tomatoes!


Mystic Quilter said...

Memorable day I should say! What a lovely photo of your Mum, heaven looking through old photos.

Jo said...

It must be like a treasure trove up there. My mum sent all her old Christmas decorations to the charity shop when my mum and dad moved house a few years ago, I could have cried, all the lovely decorations I remembered from my childhood gone. My mum isn't sentimental about things at all so it wouldn't have crossed her mind that I'd have loved them.

Emma said...

Wonderful treasures you've found - wish I had a window like that in my loft! Your home & garden pics are looking beautiful - I love the combination of yellow & purple/blue myself but what is that gorgeous blue flower next to the pretty Annabel?

Gina said...

Lovely photo of your Mum!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gina. Those Christmas baubles are gorgeous too.