Apart from the dibber which I bought in a junk shop, all the rest have been passed down to me. There's my Dad's wooden mallet (I think he knows I've got it!), Aunty Elsie's asparagus knife, Granny's hoe, Grandad's rake and shears, and Grandpa's spade. I love the fact that these have been used by other passionate gardeners, and the wood always feels much nicer than modern plastic handles.
I also have an old trug, which is currently residing in the conservatory but comes into its own in the summer in the veg garden.
My family generally think I'm nuts and are often heard to say "what do you want that old thing for?" as I stop them from throwing things out - I got very excited by this old tin of my Dads!
But on my way down to the shed though I did spy some spring cheerfulness, daffodils
wind flowers
and the buds of ornamental rhubarb.
I hope you all have wonderful Easters and that we'll all have some nice, warm, spring weather soon!