Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Garden Is Zinging!

The sunshine and blue skies of this weekend have really made the garden zing.

The Chaenomeles Japonica is superb this year, it's smothered in flowers!

There are clematis flowering too

Clematis Constance
Clematis Foxy

Clematis Maidwell Hall

A tulip has opened (I can't remember the name or find the label!) as has the self sown lime green spurge (euphorbia)

Under the maple the epimedium is flowering as are the self sown wild violets

The exochorda has got one flower open and the snake's head fritillaries are doing well (although there are no white ones this year for some reason).

There's just about blossom on the amelanchier

and most of the garden seems to be smiling, apart from the actinidia that is.  It looks as though the sharp frost last week has destroyed most of its leaf and flower buds - maybe it'll recover?

Poor thing!


Naida Willis said...

Lovely photos. I've noticed a lack of white fritillaries too. I usually have a few, but this year only one so far.

Julie said...

Lovely Spring photos.. that Chaenomeles Japonica is a gorgeous colour :o)

Jo said...

Your garden is a riot of colour already. My Snakeshead Fritillaries aren't flowering yet, but I lost the white ones after the first year. They don't seem to do very well where they're growing, they're not increasing in numbers at all.

rusty duck said...

Isn't it so typical. The winter has been so mild and then we get frost just when we don't want it. I've lost all the new growth on the Pieris, so feel for your actinidia!

elaine said...

Clematis - at this time of year!!!! You have so much going on in your garden - are you in a sheltered spot.

Julie said...

Your garden is packed with beauty. The clematis are so delicate and beautiful and I do love the snakeshead fritillary. We did have some round our pond but my over industrious husband mowed them up! There is a wildflower farm near us that has a whole meadow full of them (Naturescape at Langar) and they're a stunning sight.

Mystic Quilter said...

Lovely photos of your garden, Spring is my favourite time of year. We are into Autumn now in New Zealand and everything in the garden is getting ready for the cooler weather.


I think your garden is SINGING as well as Zinging! It is just glorious and I am envious. The bottom picture is more like my garden. :( xCathy

Anna said...

Beautiful and colourful spring zing Su!

Janneke said...

Your garden looks lovely, especially your early flowering clematisses are gorgeous. I will be your new follower.

Iz said...

Gorgeous flowers! So colourful.

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Your garden is amazing Su - you must have your very own micro climate!
