Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's That Green Time Of Year

It's the time of year when everything is green isn't it?  Everywhere I look in my garden is the bright green of spring.
Top Row:  Cerinthe, Box, Feverfew
Middle Row:  Choisya, Euphorbia, Philadelphus
Bottom Row:  Heuchera, Fern, Campanula

And hiding amongst the green leaves are poppy buds full of the promise of beauty still to come.

(This is actually one I don't remember planting and has appeared next to one that is normally orange flowered.  I guess it will all be revealed soon!)

And remember these trees in Elvedon Forest in the autumn?

Well today they looked like this - all green and young and new.

My favourite avenue of trees, and an extra bonus was that it wasn't raining and I didn't get mown down by passing traffic!


dottycookie said...

Isn't the colour gorgeous now? And the rain has made everything grow so madly that we're spending every minute between showers outside weeding!

Rustic Vintage Country said...

You can't beat Spring Green! x

Anonymous said...

Everywhere is looking very jungly in my garden, I hope I manage to spot some blooms soon.

elaine said...

Green is definitely the colour of the month - not a lot in bloom in my garden at the moment I expect it's the cold weather holding everything back - toffeeapple is right - it's a jungle out there!

Miriam Weaver said...

Your right everything is very green, my garden is in desperate need of some tlc. I drove through Elveden Forest on Thursday afternoon, could we have passed each other?

Cottage Garden said...

The good thing about all this rain is indeed the wonderful green hues of nature which your mosaic illustrates perfectly Su.

I love driving through Elveden Forest. It looks really pretty in the snow too but this is my absolute favourite time.
