Hemerocallis that is.
Demure and lemon fresh?
With a bit of interest in the centre?
Pale pink with a zesty lemon middle?
Or maybe you'd prefer a more vibrant purple?
Or perhaps a smaller russety purple form?
Darker orange maybe with a bright centre?
Or how about my favourite? An 'in your face, look at me', bright orange double form?
Love it or hate it you can't ignore it can you?
And the centre detail is quite exquisite.
I wonder which you prefer?
I like the pale ones myself, but have a bright in your face orange one. It comes up every year without fail and I give it no special treatment, I don't remember planting it because if I did plant it I certainly wouldn't have put it there!
I did mean to comment on your sun printing post, I loved the effects you got and look forward to seeing what you do next.
The only ones I have are orange but I love your pale pink one - trouble is they bulk out so much don't they - so I have to limit how many there are in the garden.
All most attractive but 4 and 5 are my favourites Su - do you have their names? I have only been growing day lilies for the last four years or so but I'm becoming seriously addicted :)
Love them all - roll on flowering time here in NZ
You're winning me over Su, I have a simple pale orange one and a lovely dark burgundy - they both get rather overlooked as I often miss the flowers - what there are as the dreaded gall midge infects most of the buds and they fail to open :-(
I used to prefer paler flowers but for some reason this year it's been the hot colours that have pleased me more. Bright yellow sunflowers filling the back of a bed down the far end of the garden, bright red crocosmia in the main herbaceous bed in the middle of the garden, dots of scarlet geraniums in pots here and there, where plants have gone over and there are patches of bare earth.
I am like you and have a mix of both,I think its nice to be able to look and relax and look and be happy
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