Monday, April 30, 2012

Pond Life

When I moved here I wasn't bothered about a pond at all - now I think I'd cry if I lost it.  It has given me hours of pleasure and I'll often be found kneeling quietly beside it watching the wildlife.

It's only small and is very much a wildlife pond (apart from the inherited goldfish and his friend), and has lots of rocks and ivy around it where the frogs, and probably other creatures, like to hide.

The tadpoles hatched several weeks ago and were really lively in the warmth of the sunshine today - I love how they twist as they come to the surface (sad I know!)

(I'm not sure why the video ended up so small, it's probably because I took it and edited it on my ipad and then had to transfer it to the pc to upload it, it all gets very complicated at times!)

But the star of the show at the moment is Mrs Newt who appeared a month ago.  I was getting rather worried that she'd left but I saw her again today (she's rather camera shy but can just be seen relaxing on the weeds)

It doesn't look as if she's laid any eggs in the newly planted water forget-me-not, but I'm hopeful that she's decided to take up permanent residence so we might have newt babies in the future!

The sun has come out here today, but sadly I seem to have hurt my back rather badly this afternoon so gardening is out of the question - I think I'll take a cuppa back to the pond instead.  Enjoy the sunshine if you have it!


Anonymous said...

Just on the off chance you haven't read this marvelous book:
Annie Dillard's Pilglrim at Tinker Creek


Anonymous said...

Lovely to see your Tadpoles and Newt. I wish I had a pond but there are so many cats around here that it would be pretty pointless.

Sorry to hear that you have hurt you back and I hope it recovers very soon. Do take advantage of the sun whilst it is still about.

Miriam Weaver said...

We did try a pond in our small garden but it wasn't big enough to interest anything, not even me! Yours looks very natural how lucky to have a newt. Sunny here too this afternoon, doors and windows open and taking full advantage of the warmth. Hope your back feels better very soon.

elaine said...

Like you I love my pond(s). We have two - one for fish and one for wildlife. The fish pond used to be full of newts but I am not sure they like fish. When my neighbour dug her pond they moved over to her - drat! Take care not to do too much with your back.

Celia Hart said...

The shallower half of our pond has doubled in size since you saw it, and it's not as shallow either! In fact all the pond edge plants are now in a good 6cm of water.

It's lovely that you have tadpoles and that your newt is still around... bet there's a Mr Newt somewhere nearby.

Take care of your back, hope it's feeling less painful soon and you can do a bit more gardening. Meanwhile pond-watching is very healing.


dottycookie said...

What a gorgeous little pond! We have an old washing up bowl sunk in the ground and it has attracted frogs and birds. Could do with a bigger one though!

driftwood said...

hope your back is better soon. we don't have a pond but our neighbours do, we pop over to check on their tadpoles, but the snow a few weeks ago wasn't good for them, we can't see them anymore.....

Jo said...

My pond is really tiny but it still attracts frogs and other wildlife. It would be nice to have one a little bit bigger though. It's great that you've got a newt in yours. Hope your back feels better soon.

Amanda said...

A lovely little pond. Ours is minuscule but worth it's weight in gold for the water it provides the resident locals.

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Ouch - hope your back is a lot better now Su.

Mrs Newt look very happy amongst the water forget-me-not, I can see why you love your pond.

Let's hope we get some sun over the weekend.


Emma said...

Lovely, the rocks are great just coming into the circle there making it a 'c' Mine is 2' x 4' is & is surroundes by rock & driftwood but can't seem to get rid of that little bit of liner ;( I have my coffee there in the morning where the sun is that early (!) but i think i felt a midge this morning....I sit or stoop pulling the odd weed. Where have my tadpoles gone, surely the viiting ducks can't have eaten them all!